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Taren's MōTTIV Method Podcast

Aug 25, 2023

This week on the podcast, we discuss Taren's first "race" in three and a half years.  We dive into a study about endurance athletes and mental health issues.  And we have a solid Q&A section, including how to modify training when you work a job where you're on your feet OR a job with crazy hours... and more!

To get...

Aug 18, 2023

It's a solo-Taren show this week, as NTK is on a mini-vacation.  On the podcast Taren talks about how he thinks triathlon can be fixed, whether beet root juice works, and which distance of triathlon you should do next.

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Aug 11, 2023

Great info on where the fastest triathletes come from, the running "Pose" technique, bike tire sizes, and more!

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Aug 4, 2023

On the podcast this week, we talk about time efficient endurance training plans, the controversy around carbohydrates (carbs), and why Garmin's fitness recommendations are straight-up silly.

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